Friday, August 28

I have been preparing a training plan over the last several days. I have decided to try increasing the amount of quality sessions or speed work.

Just to see how my body reacts and if it works like it should then hopefully I will be more able to race better and more often.

I have stolen Michael Adams training that he put together for Oceania and adjusted it to include Biking and Kayaking. I understand that the Multi tiered program is supposed to allow you to maintain fairly good speed all the time, which is what I would like to achieve.

Not sure if it will work, I might well break down, but you never know unless you try.

Basically I am sick of being slow, I have plenty of endurance which is fine for AR, but multi sport and Orienteering require a bit more specific training to be successful.

I have been doing OK I guess, but I think that is more the result of being naturally fairly fast, and I would love to start racing at my potential just to see how good I can get.

Look out folks.

I have managed to set up a feed to the right, which shows my last 5 training sessions. You can click on the link which should take you to "Garmin Connect". Shows GPS and HR details. Fancy Stuff.

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